Cycle Charting

Cycle Charting allows you to understand your menstrual-ovulatory cycle so you can make informed, empowered decisions for yourself & your communities.

Cycle Charting Class Series

We offer an online class series to teach you how to chart your cycle at Earth Body.

Our next class series will be in January 2025.

Private Consults

Are you already charting and looking for support with your unique situation?

Reach out below!

Free Resources

Free Discovery Call •

Free Discovery Call •

Not sure what offering is right for you? Book your free 15 minute discovery call with Kate to discuss your unique needs.


  • Fertility Awareness Method (aka Cycle Charting) is the sympto-thermal charting practice associated with tracking our menstrual-ovulatory cycles for contraception, lifestyle, conception, and overall health.

  • This daily practice takes just a few minutes each day and becomes a habit, like brushing your teeth.

    Cycle Tracking consists of:

    1. Track signs of your fertility using basal body temperature & vaginal secretions

    2. Record your observations on a chart

    3. Use the chart to determine your fertile window

    4. Make informed decisions about contraception, conception, lifestyle, hormone balancing, self-care, and more

  • This course is designed for people who want to:

    • Avoid pregnancy without synthetic hormones

    • Support conscious conception & prepare for healthy pregnancy

    • Come into deeper relationship with your natural cycles

    • Understand how the menstrual cycle works

    • Feel more empowered making decisions around your reproductive healthcare

    You know should that this is a user-dependent method. You should be willing to commit to building this new habit and incorporating a small amount of time daily to this practice.

  • First, it’s important to know that not all FAM methods are the same!

    At Earth Body School, we offer education in a FAM practice that is nearly identical to that used in a 2007 German study. The study found the FAM method was 99.4-99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. Taking into account user effectiveness (human error, etc.), its efficacy rates at 98.2%.

    Many folks chart without ever having worked with a certified educator, but FAM is a science and can be taught!

  • Ideally, folks who join the class series are off hormonal contraception before we starting working together. Please reach out if you are want to join but are still on the pill or another form of hormonal contraception!

  • Absolutely. In fact, learning to chart your cycles may help you understand WHY your cycles are irregular and equip you with tools to help regulate them.

    FAM is an observation-based method, practiced based on a daily assessment of your fertile signs. That means the method is still effective even if your cycles are variant in length.

  • Learning to chart will show you when your “fertile window” is: when you are most likely to conceive. There are several key markers on your chart that we look for to identify optimal conditions for a smooth conception and healthy pregnancy.

    Plus, once you’ve conceived, your charts can help you confirm pregnancy!

  • I strongly encourage all of my class series participants to begin their charting journey on paper first before switching to any app.

    With that said, the only charting app I recommend is Read Your Body, which does not see, share, sell or do anything with your charting data. It is non-predictive and highly customizable (I have a template I share with interested students).

    All participants in my Cycle Mapping Class Series receive three free months of access to Read Your Body!

About Kate (FAE, SHE)

I am a Fertility Awareness Educator (FAE) & Sexual and Reproductive Health Educator (SHE), graduating from The Well School of Body Literacy in 2024.

I bring to this practice my background as a bodyworker and horticulturist in centering the wholeness/nourishment of a client and their local ecosystem.

I am based in Brooklyn and London and offer classes online and in person.


  • Working with Kate to understand and map my cycle gave me an education I didn't know I was missing...I spent 17 years on the birth control pill, largely ignorant of my natural cycle.  Observing my body's patterns through cycle charting has felt like uncovering the magic that's been happening this whole time.  It's been thrilling!


  • This program was one of the most illuminating, life-changing experiences of my adult life, and I cannot believe I went most of my life without understanding the basic tenets of my hormonal and reproductive cycles.


  • As a non-binary person, it was deeply affirming to be in a course that uses gender neutral language for anatomy and menstration processes. I highly recommend working with Kate for anyone wanting to get more intimate with their cycle.
